Python Hello Script

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As promised in the last post(Hello Script for PHP), this is my Hello Script for Python. Hello Script‘ is a file that contains the most commonly used elements of a programming language so that it can be used as a cheat sheet when working with that language.

A word of caution here – the blocks in Python is created using whitespace – so the indentation is important. So when you see an indentation in the below code, think of it as one tab(instead of four spaces or something).

I want to insert a disclaimer here – I am not that good with python. We never really clicked. I have done very limited work in Python. So if you notice any problems with the below script, let me know and I’ll correct it.


print "Hello World\n"

name = "Binny"
year = 2008
print "Hello, " + name + " - welcome to " + str(year) + "\n"

# If,else conditions
if (year > 2008):
	print "Welcome to the future - yes, we have flying cars!\n"
elif(year < 2008):
	print "The past - please don't change anything. Don't step on any butterflies. And for the sake of all thats good and holy, stay away from your parents!\n"
	print "Anything wrong with your time machine? You have not gone anywhere, kiddo.\n"

# For loop
for i in range(0,3):
	print str(i) + ") Hi there!"

print ""

#Numerical Array, While
rules = ['Do no harm','Obey','Continue Living']
i = 0
	print "Rule " + str(i+1) + " : " + rules[i]
	i = i + 1
print ""

# Associated array, foreach
associated = {
	'hello'	:	'world',
	'foo'	:	'bar',
	'lorem'	:	'ipsum'
for key in associated:
	print key + " : " + associated[key]
print ""

import string
csv_values = string.split("hello,world,how,are,you\n", ",")
print string.join(csv_values, ":")

# Function, argument, return, call
def hello(name):
	return "Hello " + name + "\n"

hello_string = hello("Binny")
print hello_string

# One for the OOP fanboys - Class, members, object and stuff.
class Movie:
	name = ''
	rating = 0
	def __init__(self, name): = name

	def rateMovie(self):
		self.rating = (len( % 10) + 1 #IMDBs rating algorithm. True story!
	def printMovieDetails(self):
		print "Movie : ",
		print "Rating : ", '*' * self.rating , "(", self.rating ,")\n"

#Create the object
ncfom = Movie("New Country for Old Men") #It's a sequel!

# File IO
# File reading, easy method...
file_in  = open('', 'r')
contents =
print "Current file has " + str(len(contents)) + " chars\n"
# Writing to a file
file_out = open('/tmp/hello.txt', 'w')
file_out.write("Hello World")

# Command Executing
import commands
import os
print "Result of 'ls' command is " + commands.getoutput('ls') #Execute the command 'ls' and print its output

# Regular Expressions
import re
hell_check = re.compile("^Hell")
string = "Hello World"
if hell_check.match(string): print "Yup - its evil (Compiled)"
if re.match('^Hell', string): print "Yup - its evil (Not Compiled)"
print re.sub(r'l([^l])', r'\1', string)

As I said last time, save this to a file and keep it around for future reference.

Next hello script – Perl, Ruby or Tcl/Tk? Which one do you want – leave it in the comments.


  1. A very interesting concept. However, I think we should add following elements in the script

    – list comprehension
    – tuples and tuple unpacking
    – duck typing
    – using zip() with dict() and such

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