Mastering phpMyAdmin: A Review
Some time ago, I was approched by the publisher of the book to write a review of their book ‘Mastering phpMyAdmin 2.11 for Effective MySQL Management by Marc Delisle[Affliate link]’. This got a bit delayed because of the plugin week. But I managed to finish the book today – so here is the review. Bottom line – most people are using phpMyAdmin for only the most basic operations(editing data, import, export, etc.). If you are one of them, you don’t need the book – you already know all you need to know about phpMyAdmin. But other(like me) use it for advanced purposes – to manage MySQL, create database/tables, run queries, etc. I would recommend you get this book. It covers everything from basic usage(which is a bit boring and should be skipped over) to advanced stuff(like designer view, configuration options, triggers, innoDB relation options etc.)