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Amazon Associate
Today I signed up as an Amazon Associate - now my website has ads from Google, Amazon and Geocities. Practically filled with ads, don't you think? Must remove some ads - so I want to sign up for my own webspace. It costs money - but you gotta spend money to make money as they say. So the second I get my first google paycheck, I am going to sign up for a new account with some web hosting service. Problem is that I need a Credit Card for that - and as of today, I don't have one. Getting one will not be much trouble - but it will lighten my pocket 400 Rs per year - that's about $10.
13 April, 2005
I got my first pay-check. Well, not actually a check but a huge bundle of cash. Not much - but it will do. What I really like about my job is that I can study new things there - so far I learned PHP and advanced CSS design.
08 April, 2005
The Very First Journal Entry
After planning this for a long time, I finally got down to writing a Jorunal entry. This is the first entry that I made, even if you see some important event's entrys prior to today's date. I wrote them only AFTER I wrote this.
31 March, 2005
I Got Cash
My website is starting to generate revenue. About time, I would say - I have been working on it for over four years. Anyway, today I recived the payment for placing a small text ad on my site. God's idea of a birthday precent for me.
16 March, 2005
Got a Job
I got my first offical Job - as a perl program at Reubro International.
15 February, 2005
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