Responder V2.00.A



This script takes the response of the users to any thing. Just give a small form at the end of the page for which you want the response. The info from the users will be logged in a text file which can be analyzed by the response analyzer script(


Put the code given below anywhere in the page in which you article(or whatever) appears. Replace the text "NAME OF THE ARTICLE" at the last line to whatever you wish to call the page. And make sure that the action attribute of the form is pointed correctly at the "" file.


This should be pasted in the page. You can edit this to fit your needs - you can even delete my link for the text - although I would be extremely grateful if you let it stay.

Demo - How it will appear
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Hope you find this useful. If you have any questions, suggestions, criticisms etc., you can reach me at or you can visit my site at For more CGI scripts, come to the perl section.

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