Some Tk Commands 
Perl/Tk Tutorial - Create GUI with Perl's Tk Module
Now What?

Now What?

Perilous seas crossed, thought scorching desert, we have come here after overcoming countless dangers to life and limb. We have reached the end of our quest, the end of our journey. Now What?

Now you are on your own. You must strive to achieve excellence in the field of Perl/Tk programming. Buy books, visit websites, steal codes. Do anything to increase your knowledge on this subject. There are an amazing array of websites out there that would supply you with tutorials, programs, games etc on Perl/Tk. Go get them. Read code of other people and study from them. Remember, creativity is great, but plagiarism is faster.

But the most important thing - program. Get those fingers typing, make programs in Perl/Tk. Experiment. Make mistakes. Correct them. There is no better way of learning a subject than by doing it.

See references for more links on Perl/Tk.

By the way, if you need this tutorial offline, you can download the whole tutorial as a PDF file - thanks Enrico Graziani(Nick:PavalloKazzo, Email:enricog84 at hotmail)!

Some Tk Commands 
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