Using Modules 
Beginner's Tutorial for CGI using Perl Language
Life after Tutorial

Life after Tutorial

Now we are at the end of out journey. Now you are alone. Put those newly found perl scripting capabilities to good use - program with them. It is said that an infinite number of monkeys using a infinite number of typewriters for infinite years can create Hamlet, but I assure you they won't be able to create a CGI Script. So fire up your gray cells and have a go at perl scripting.

Crash Servers, Create Scripts, Make history - do anything. But don't sit around without programming. There is no better way of learning something than by doing it. I hope that I have given you enough reasons to learn more about perl. Buy books, visit websites, steal codes. Do anything to increase your knowledge on this subject. Get codes of others and study from them. Remember, creativity is great, but plagiarism is faster.

Some places where great Perl Scripts are available... My own collection of Perl scripts that I wrote over the ages A huge collection of CGI Resources. CGI programs in perl and other languages. Matt's Script Archive. Offering free CGI scripts to the web community

Using Modules 
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