The Control Flow Loops
For Loop
The most commonly used loop - the for loop. This is extremely useful when you have to execute a given set of instruction a limited number of times with little or no changes.
Syntax:for init test next body
I like this syntax better...
for { init } { test } { next } {
Now, for the first time we write a script to do something useful - make a multiplication table. Wondering how that is useful? You will find it very useful when you have forgotten mathematics - like me.
#Multiplication table...
set n 4 ;# We want the multiplication table of 4
set table ""
for { set i 1 } { $i <= 10 } { incr i } {
# This will append all multiples of all numbers for the number n
# into a variable called table
set table "$table $i x $n = [expr $i \* $n]\n"
label .mul -text "Multiplication table for $n\n\n$table"
pack .mul
foreach varName list body
This is a loop to make programming more easier. Primarily used for lists. Example...
#Make the list
set list [list "Item 1" {Item 2} Last]
set text ""
foreach item $list {
#Append the every item to $text
set text "$text\n$item"
#Shows the result
label .lab -text "$text"
pack .lab
The same can be achieved by a regular for loop like this.
#Make the list
set list [list "Item 1" {Item 2} Last]
set text ""
for { set i 0 } { $i <= [llength $list] } { incr i } {
#Append the every item to $text
set text "$text\n[lindex $list $i]"
label .lab -text "$text"
pack .lab