For Loop 
Switch Loop 
Tcl/Tk Tutorial - Create GUI using Tk with Tcl Language
While Loop

The Control Flow Loops

While Loop

Execute script repeatedly as long as a condition is met. In the given syntax, test is the condition and body is the script. As long as test is true, the script will be executed repeatedly.

while test body

I like this syntax better...
while { test } {

The same program we used for the "for" loop. Now presenting - The While loop -

#Multiplication table...
set n 4 ;# We want the multiplication table of 4
set table ""
set i 1
while { $i <= 10 } {
# This will append all multiples of all numbers for the number n 
#		into a variable called table
	set table "$table $i x $n = [expr $i \* $n]\n"
	incr i

label .mul -text "Multiplication table for $n\n\n$table"
pack .mul
For Loop 
Switch Loop 
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